
Additional Warranty Services

Additional Warranty Services


You can extend the warranty period of your device by 1 to 3 years by benefiting from 'Plus Warranty' service within 4 months as of the initial operation date of your central heating boiler. We demand for no extra charges for workmanship, spare parts and travel expenses in case of a fault condition in your central heating boiler during additional warranty period (Plus 1, 2 and 3). ECA Authorized Service carries out the general maintenance of the central heating boiler for once a year during contract period.


You can extend the warranty period of your device by 1 to 3 years by benefiting from 'Stars of Warranty' service for your central heating boiler, warranty period (3 years) of which has expired. Throughout the additional warranty period (Plus 1, 2 and 3), we provide service to your central heating boiler without any extra charge for workmanship, spare parts and travel expenses in case of a fault condition in your central heating boiler, and one general maintenance service is offered by ECA Authorized Service free of charge each year.

- You can call our Call Centre numbered 444 0 322 in order to obtain detailed information on the scope and costs of Additional Warranty Services.