
Trainings and Purposes

Trainings and Purposes

Authorized Service Trainings

We constantly provide trainings within the scope of plans for our technical and administrative personnel working in our Authorized Services, which are the most important element of the service. It is mandatory for all employees working in ECA-SEREL to have training certificate. Within this scope, we provide trainings on building, heating, corporate services, technical, administrative, occupational safety, environment, communication, behaviour, computer and other subjects. Training activities of authorized services towards branch and orientation are carried out according to the plans that are issued annually and quarterly. In service trainings, we enable the personnel to access trainings, presentations and videos through remote access and Seremar service program e-library module by using new technologies. We constantly provide feedback to authorized services with technical bulletins we prepare.

Personnel Training

We constantly provide trainings on techniques, administration, quality, career, method, communication, behaviour etc. in a planned way to our employees, who are the most important resource of our company. We ensure personal development of our employees through trainings received from internal and external trainers. We realize planning and training activities within the scope of results of annual performance evaluation carried out with our employees, training demand and requirements analysis forms, personnel career maps and other systems.

Sanitation Adoption Courses

Within the scope of the protocol with the Ministry of National Education, we aim to prevent applications that would damage the national economy through compliance of the persons in sanitation and natural gas installation sectors with new technologies, environmental sensitivity, occupational safety, legal legislations, communication and behaviour and correct applications in product assembly. We organize courses across the country in Industrial Vocational High Schools and Vocational Training Centres, and we grant the training materials used in these courses to the school concerned and put them into use for technical trainings of students. By doing planning in parallel with the development and expansion of natural gas in our country, we also include in trainings the applications that will increase the knowledge level of plumbers regarding this subject.

Product Seminars

We introduce our building and heating group products offering superior features such as new technologies, hygiene, saving etc., and organize seminars on assembly, safety in natural gas, fuel economy etc. with the participation of the representatives of our manufacturing/sales companies; and these seminars are open to our customers towards our heating and building group products, gas distribution companies, architects, engineers, plumbers, authorized natural gas companies, purchase officers, hotel technical managers, public officers, universities, technical schools and many other affiliates of the sector. In these courses, we provide information on the Elginkan Foundation and explain the differences of the Elginkan Community and contributions it makes to our country. Within the scope of seminars, we aim to contribute to promotion of the Elginkan Community, and receive demands and feedbacks of our customers by introducing the products that are offered to our customers.

Dealer Engineer/Erecting Engineer and Project Sales trainings

We prepare training plans in order to assemble the heating and building group products offered to our customers by our manufacturing and sales companies, calculate heat loss/heat gain prior to project planning and sales, and review rules regarding installation. We organize presentations for participators of trainings in areas such as hotels, training centres etc., which are determined across the country. Participation in trainings is free of charge. Through trainings, we aim to provide our customers with the best service of our products by means of correct assembly of building and heating group products, prevent damage to the national economy and offer our customers the correct service starting from the first moment.

Intra Community Trainings

Our company carries out planned training activities covering technical and quality management systems and total quality subjects for employees operating in staff such as sales, marketing, engineering etc. in companies of the Elginkan Community. Managers and trainers of our company take part in the training pool of the Elginkan Community.

Extra Community Trainings

Our company carries out planned training activities covering technical and quality management systems and total quality subjects within the scope of suggestions of our company and demands from companies (mechanical undertaking, construction companies, bank construction and land estate units etc.) and organizations (gas distribution companies, schools, professional chambers, municipalities etc.) outside the companies of the Elginkan Community.

Public Awareness Raising Seminars

Within the scope of the 'Consumer Protection Law No 4077', which has an important place in daily lives of our customers and protects their rights in matters such as safety in shopping, illegal sale etc., we plan and organize trainings within the cooperation made with the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, which explain consumers their rights and the scope of the law. We present law booklet to our consumers who attend trainings.


On-site Trainings

We have been organizing on-site trainings since 2005 across the country to dealers, engineers, erecting engineers and authorized service technicians by means of technically equipped training tool. Application is performed towards heating and building group products.