
Energy Monitoring System

Energy Monitoring System

"You cannot manage something that you cannot measure"

True energy management begins with tracking. Establishment of "Energy Monitoring Systems" is a need for providing continuous support and finalization of the factors effecting energy consuming systems and consumptions of these systems.

The Energy Monitoring Systems are system which monitor, record and report all consumptions such as electricity, fuel, water, hot water, steam, compressed air and all parameters such as temperature, humid and production numbers that may change these consumptions.

Our company EMAR commits to establish the most efficient and active monitoring system with easiest understandable and usable structure as result of the works made in your plant by considering the requirements and expectations of your, with the expert engineers. 

With our Energy Monitoring System, the following can be made;

1- Real-time tracking of energy consumption,

2- Reporting via past consumption records,

3- Dividing consumptions into sections (internal invoicing),

4- Prevention of penalties by monitoring reactive consumptions,

5-Recording the quality of electricity (Voltage fluctuations, harmonic etc.)

6- Making right invoice analyses with change of consumption in time,

7- Monitoring of temperatures (environment, equipment, fluid, etc.),

8- Monitoring of ambient humidity value,

9-Monitoring of severity of ambient brightness,

10- Monitoring flow rates in fluid lines

11- Monitoring of pressure values in fluid lines,

12- Monitoring of status of steam traps,

13- Monitoring of ambient CO₂and CO rates,

14- Monitoring of fluid Ph, TDS values,

15- Monitoring of fluid level (generator tank, LNG/LPG tank, water tank, etc.),

And the system to be established by us can be used for monitoring, recording, analyzing and reporting many fields to be requested by you, and for sending notifications to the related persons via sms and/or electronic mail on the limit values to be determined.